Your Word

A Reflection by Christine Jurisich

Inspiration | Inclusive | Connection | Deeply Rooted | Unity | Grace | Trust | Humble | Welcome | Joy | Listen | Soulful | Oneness | Rest | Expansion | Haven | Hope | Love | Faith | Refuge | Unveiling (Ephesians 1:17-19)

What is your word for 2024?

The invitation to focus on a new word for the year is a January ritual for Retreat, Reflect, Renew. Every year, I get excited to see your intentions in the comments space and listen to them during our Sacred Circle sessions. This past year, we checked in with them during the Lent retreat, and I want to do that again this year (the Lent retreat will be on February 24; see Events page for details).

The Intention to Listen

I like this exercise because it is not about creating a goal or adding one more thing to your “to-do” list. It is about being attentive and listening. What are your values and desires when making choices with your time and energy throughout the year? Choosing a word reminds you to continually check in with how God is calling you into health and wholeness.

In August of last year, Retreat, Reflect, Renew celebrated its tenth anniversary with a thank-you lunch and prayer ritual. I asked the ministry leaders to write a word of intention for the ministry on a rock. If you join me on Zoom for a retreat or Sacred Circle, you will always see these rocks on my prayer table. You can see them in the picture above. You may want to use these intentions as prompts to help you think of a word for 2024.


One ministry leader chose the word “unveiling” for the ministry with the invitation to read Ephesians 1:17-19.

I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation so that you may know him better. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people and his incomparably great power for us who believe.

Eph 1:17-20 [NIV]

Sit with the verse; I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened. Your eyes of the heart are your inner awareness guided by the Holy Spirit. Is there an invitation you hear in this verse? How may you allow Wisdom to show you the hope God wants for you? What word of the year can help bring hope into your heart? What gets in the way of your “eyes of the heart?” How may you open up space in your daily life to allow for an unveiling of Wisdom for you? Is there a word that may help you with your unveiling?


Many of the words the ministry leaders wrote on their rocks were connection words.


Deeply Rooted



These are intentions Retreat, Reflect, Renew leaders are holding in prayer as we strive to cultivate a meaningful connection with God, within ourselves, and with you, our community. What relationships are meaningful to you? How do you want to cultivate them? What practices draw you closer to connecting with God, yourself, and in a community? Is there a word that can remind you of the value of deeply rooted, inclusive, united, and welcoming connections?


We always want to be a place of spiritual rest for you. I loved seeing the rocks with “haven” and “refuge” written on them. These two words add depth to the idea of rest with images of safety, shelter, and God’s protection. Do any of these words bring up any noticings of desires in you? We are entering 2024 with continued war, suffering, and polarization that creates anxiety, fear, trauma, and sadness for so many. Is there a word that can remind you to take haven in God’s love? Is there a word that reminds you to extend that refuge to people in your family, community, or the world? Is there a word that reminds you to be gentle with yourself with moments of rest and renewal?

Give Yourself Time

You don’t have to think of your word today. Give yourself time. Spend quiet time journaling, listening to music, looking at an inspirational picture, or simply sitting in silence. Reflect with the full list of words the ministry leaders came up with at the top. Let the word come to you slowly. Give yourself permission to change your word as many times as you want. Perhaps you never find a word. That is okay, too. Allow the process to be enough.

May you allow yourself the time and space to hear the quiet, still voice of God drawing you into health and wholeness, however that looks for you in this new year. Blessings on your journey. We all hope to share it with you.

Listen to this reflection on YouTube.

Share in a Sacred Circle

During the second whole week of the month, we will offer three drop-in Sacred Circles on Zoom and two in person. It is a chance to share the monthly reflection in a safe and welcoming environment. You never have to share more than you want to share. Look for an invitation with the Zoom link on the Monday of the week’s sessions. Learn more here.

Share Right Here*

Share your word for the year or the process that helps you uncover your word.

*When you post comments, you are asked for your website and email; you don't need to fill those out when posting.


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