Spiritual Direction
Holy Listening
Spiritual Direction, or Spiritual Companioning, is the ancient practice of holy listening. This sacred time is for you to share your experience of God, to explore where you feel Spirit in your life. You are guided in prayerful listening to what is spoken and what is sometimes not, drawing you to a deepening of prayer, soulful discernment, and intentionally being present to the fullness of your identity in God.
Holding Space
A spiritual director’s role in this process is to hold space for you to explore your feelings, yearnings, joy, grief, decision making, etc. They listen to your story, reflect back to you what is heard, and ask questions that invite you to look deeper. They are present to witness and affirm your journey and help you discover how God is working in your life. What is shared in spiritual direction is confidential.
Come As You Are
Sister Mary Ann Scofield, RSM who co-founded Spiritual Directors International says the following to anyone feeling interested but a little intimidated by spiritual direction.
You don't have to pray at all, or pray well, or feel that you are close to God, or even living the life you want to. Spiritual direction is a very simple process of putting out what you want and most deeply desire and having someone to respond to that and help you to live from what you really want. So come as you are and at least try it.
Everyone has a story to tell. Spiritual direction honors that story and helps you to find how God is working in that story. A spiritual director cares about empowering you to grow into your authentic self. Spiritual Directors International describes spiritual direction in this way:
Spiritual directors or companions support the unique spiritual journey of every individual. They are welcoming and present with those they companion, listening and responding without being judgmental. They are contemplative and honor silence as a spiritual practice. They are intuitive spiritual friends—accountable and compassionate, hospitable and open, loving yet independent.
Finding a Spiritual Director
Wondering how to find a spiritual director?
● Sometimes your church will have suggestions.
● Most retreat centers will have a list to help match you with one.
● Visit Spiritual Directors International website: www.sdicompanions.org