Monthly Retreat Reflections
Finding God in the ups and downs of life.
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Let’s Talk about Church
Practicing your faith in a changing world is challenging no matter what religion. Whether you are happy with your church, feeling empty without one, or fall somewhere in between, I offer you my personal story in the hopes of opening up a safe place to talk about this issue that is weighing heavy on so many hearts.
What is in Your Heart?
Throughout this month, our Sunday reflections will offer an invitation for you to answer some “Questions of the Heart” in the form below. Your thoughts and feelings will help all of us here at Retreat, Reflect, Renew as we discern how we are called to respond to this constantly changing world and the many people who are seeking community.
Pilgrims: Keep Walking
When you commit to a journey of faith, you are on a lifelong pilgrimage, persevering through the ups and downs of life step-by-step. You are forever a pilgrim walking into the light.