On-Demand Retreat
Holy Ground

Meditations to connect your mind, body, and soul with the Divine in nature.

Be Inspired
Be refreshed and inspired by the beauty of outdoors every day for thirty days.
Slow down, unwind, and allow your imagination to connect you to Mother Earth, where the sacred manifests, connecting you with the whole of creation. Remember your special place among the forests, the rivers, and the plants and animals on which we all depend. Refresh your relationship with your local environment and revere this precious planet full of diverse life through prayer, meditation, and activities.
If you like to experience God in nature, are feeling weary of the world, experiencing burnout, or seeking new ideas that are easy and practical to add to your spiritual life, this retreat is for you. You will be reminded daily of how we are all interconnected. And hopefully, you’ll feel inspired by the Divine Mystery of our holy planet.

Retreat Author
Shannon Dahlstedt
Shannon Dahlstedt is a spiritual director and facilitates Sacred Circles for Retreat, Reflect, Renew. She shares her writing gift with contributions to the Monthly Retreat Reflections and “Minute Meditation” postings on our Facebook and Instagram pages.
Shannon feels most connected in body, mind, and spirit, when spending time outdoors where nature has been left to flourish. She and her husband spend much of their spare time at a remote cabin in the mountains of Virginia, where she hikes and draws inspiration for her writing.

How does it work?
When does it start?
Whenever you want. This is an on-demand retreat and there is no set schedule. As soon as you register, you will begin receiving a reflection every day for thirty days.
How long does each one take?
A five-minute meditation with the invitation to a daily practice if you choose to engage more deeply.
What can I expect?
Inspiring written reflections, engaging pictures and music, and the invitation to a spiritual practice each day. This is a non-facilitated retreat. There is a chance to share your experience in written format at the end.
Do I have to take the retreat for 30 days in a row?
No. You will have access to the retreat for a year so you can create the pacing of this retreat however you wish.
Purchase now and you can start your retreat today!
Cost: $30