Rest in God’s Love

The couch. Netflix. A bag of cheese popcorn. I have to admit these are the first things that come to mind when I think of resting. What are your go-tos? I’ve been thinking a lot over the past month about what it means to rest. In July, Retreat, Reflect, Renew ministry leaders always take a month off from meetings and Sacred Circle to give themselves time to. . .well. . .retreat, reflect, and renew. 

I have found that resting takes on a whole new meaning when you invite yourself to not only rest, but to rest in God’s love. This focus brings on a deeper dimension. It is an invitation to open yourself up—mind, body, and soul—to replenish at the ground of your being.  

This shift in focus requires honestly listening to yourself. What do my mind, body, and soul need? Am I feeling tired or overwhelmed or sad or burned-out? In what ways am I thirsting for God? Do I need a reconnection with the Divine through solitude, time with family and friends, the outdoors, or perhaps a better balance of it all? 

Resting in Joy

When you spend time with these feelings, thoughts, and longings, the answer to “how shall I rest?” may be a lot different than previously anticipated. Pause and listen to what you are needing in the moment. When I need some joy in my life, resting in God’s love may mean asking friends to lunch, knowing we can have authentic, warm conversation with fun and restorative laughter. Restorative laughter. The kind of fun and lightness that feeds the soul and bonds you with other human beings trying to get through the same very human journey of life. 

Resting in the Outdoors

When I am drained and needing inspiration and perspective, resting in God’s love may mean taking a hike in the beautiful outdoors. Standing in the middle of a wide, open space filled with God’s creation reminds me I am one small part in an interconnected, dynamic, eternal cycle of death and new life. Next time you are outside at a park, beach, lake, or anywhere outdoors, take a deep breath in and out amidst the awe of the world and let it restore your soul in profound ways. 

Resting in Creativity

Perhaps resting in God’s love means creating a space for your creativity to flourish. I spent a lot of my resting time writing for the upcoming retreat season. Tending to the ideas and creative energy in me feeds my soul and rejuvenates my spirit as it connects me with the comforting, energizing love of God. Maybe for you resting in God means painting, coloring, sewing, cooking, gardening, or anything that gets your hands dirty, moving and forming new creations. 

What Do You Desire?

However you sense you are called to rest in God’s love, begin with an intention. Pause. What do you desire? Use your imagination. Maybe you picture yourself cradled in comforting arms, or feeling gazed upon with understanding eyes, or standing on the firm strength of solid ground, or skipping in the lightness of the air, breathing in the fullness of the Divine.

Is there a resistance to resting in God’s love? Absolutely. In the quiet, all of those thoughts and feelings you wanted to keep down start bubbling up to the surface. Resting may not feel good for a while. It can seem awkward, sad, or even dark. You may find yourself asking, Is it okay to not be productive today? Am I ready for these thoughts to come to the surface? Do I even want to get close to God? 

This leads to a whole new set of questions. Am I being selfish for resting? What will happen if I step off the hamster wheel? When these questions come, I tell myself, “Let your God love you.” It’s from a poem by Edwina Gately. My body begins to settle down. I make choices that are gentle for myself. My responses become more loving, more merciful. Let your God love you. 

Find Your Moment of Pause

If your summer is just as busy and stressful as the rest of the year, ask yourself, “Where can I find rest in God in this present moment?” Perhaps that means finding rest in your breath. Pause as you intentionally inhale the breath of God. Or maybe you find rest as you look out the window and notice a tree. Pause as you reflect on its roots and the roots that nourish you. Find rest in a conversation with someone being helpful to you.

During this last month of summer, whether this season means a slower pace for you or not, I invite you to find moments to pause and ask yourself, “How can I rest in God’s love today?” The answer may be an entirely new way of rest and rejuvenation for your mind, body, and soul. 

Listen to this monthly retreat reflection on YouTube.

Share in a Sacred Circle

What does resting in God’s love mean for you? The second full week of the month, we offer three drop-in Sacred Circles on Zoom and two in person. It’s a chance to share the monthly reflection in a safe and welcoming environment. Look for an invitation with the Zoom link the Monday morning of the week’s sessions. Learn more here.

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What does resting in God’s love mean for you?

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